Will the ILO take a stand against gender-based violence at work? - comments Will the ILO take a stand against gender-based violence at work? 2018-02-16T12:45:22Z https://www.equaltimes.org/will-the-ilo-take-a-stand-against#comment97285 2018-02-16T12:45:22Z <p>sexual Harassment at workplace is a show of power by the male members to show their superirity and false feeling of superiority.It hurts the women psychology,effec ts productivity at the work place.It hurts her dignity and self esteem.The matter must be given serious thought by I.L.O .Give proper definition of sexual Harassment and the penalties for the perpetrators.It must define the rights of women at workplace and see to it that the decisions taken are implemented.</p> Will the ILO take a stand against gender-based violence at work? 2015-11-05T13:45:45Z https://www.equaltimes.org/will-the-ilo-take-a-stand-against#comment96745 2015-11-05T13:45:45Z <p>I don't think anything will happen to end violence and sexual attacks against women until men—or many women—take action into their own hands and make sure these guys never rape again by any means possible. First of all, such men should be jailed and fired from their jobs, and the women who spoke up protected from retaliation. But if the police don't do anything, and/or are part of he rape culture, then legal action should be taken against the police, as well. Fines should be very high and if they don't pay them to the women they offended, then they should be thrown in jail and made to stay there until their fines (BIG fines) are paid. Their wives must not pay their fines for them, either. The rapists probably rape their wives, too, so these men should stay in jail for a very long time! Forever would be nice:) Rapists will learn nothing if they get out too early or their wives pay their fines for them. Repeat rapists must stay in jail for the rest of their lives. Or castrated. There are too many people on the planet anyways, and we definitely don't need rapists creating more babies which might turn out to be rapists, too.</p> Will the ILO take a stand against gender-based violence at work? 2014-11-03T23:49:55Z https://www.equaltimes.org/will-the-ilo-take-a-stand-against#comment96260 2014-11-03T23:49:55Z <p>violence ,sexual harassment at work place should be declare as serious crime otherwise no one can stop this It is hoped that the adoption and implementation of a new standard on workplace GBV would not only help to identify and clarify the true extent of violence against women in the workplace but that it would also help to provide governments, unions and employers with the tools to help tackle it because this is major global challenge to the goal of equality between women and men</p> <p>(Haji Muhammad saeed Arian)<br class="autobr" /> Founder/Secretary General<br class="autobr" /> Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)<br class="autobr" /> Affiliated with<br class="autobr" /> World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).</p> Will the ILO take a stand against gender-based violence at work? 2014-11-03T23:49:28Z https://www.equaltimes.org/will-the-ilo-take-a-stand-against#comment96259 2014-11-03T23:49:28Z <p>violence ,sexual harassment at work place should be declare as serious crime otherwise no one can stop this It is hoped that the adoption and implementation of a new standard on workplace GBV would not only help to identify and clarify the true extent of violence against women in the workplace but that it would also help to provide governments, unions and employers with the tools to help tackle it because this is major global challenge to the goal of equality between women and men</p> <p>(Haji Muhammad saeed Arian)<br class="autobr" /> Founder/Secretary General<br class="autobr" /> Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)<br class="autobr" /> Affiliated with<br class="autobr" /> World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).</p>