Central America: where journalists pay the ultimate price for doing a good job - comments Central America: where journalists pay the ultimate price for doing a good job 2016-01-06T21:22:03Z https://www.equaltimes.org/central-america-where-journalists#comment96780 2016-01-06T21:22:03Z <p>Much of the trouble in Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and other places is fuelled by the great inequality, social injustice and lack of properly paid employment and poor prospects. This goes hand in glove with the wealth that can be gained from growing, distibuting and dealing in the narcotics trade. Corruption is rife in these countries and many of the police are as bad as the drug gangs and many are part of these gangs. The fact is that there would be no trade if there was no demand from the USA and other countries for these drugs. The danger is that these countries could end up becoming failed states with all the terrible consequences.</p>