Poachers outgun Africa’s vulnerable wildlife rangers - comments Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-06-22T08:09:53Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96855 2016-06-22T08:09:53Z <p>The governments of African countries must stand united in enforcing laws with punishments that fit the crimes. Poachers who get away with a mere fine just go on poaching which is insane. If they kill a ranger, they deserve the death penalty. If they poach, 20 years in jail is a just consequence. Governments—stop charging big game hunters for "hunting" licenses to kill lions, rhinos, elephants, etc. I have been to Africa as a tourist with my family four times in various countries on safari. I refuse to return to the countries (Kenya is #1 on my list never to visit again) that support poaching by looking the other way. I believe government officials, including judges, are bought off by those supporting poaching for big money. The crack down needs to come from the top down. If government officials are involved, they need long jail sentences. I am fed up with the public outcry that goes unheard in favor of lawlessness and greed. It's time to protect the rangers with more money for more men, better equipment,helicopters—whatever they need AND stiff laws that are enforced by judges and supported by government officials from the top down.</p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-29T13:30:08Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96801 2016-01-29T13:30:08Z <p>Of course the rangers need our respect, but what they need mor is a law which strengthen their back and gives them the right to decide in any case new in the bush out of the situation and msun't fear police, as they are in my eyes police(wo)men themselves in the bush fighting for rights of the wild. Without that they even don't need donations for better weapons, etc., if they are not allowed to use them out of the instand situation and of course to protect themselvres, too from this eco terrorists! But it remembers me of the situation here in Germany, when people who help others in the streets at night by fighting back are automatically accused by the state and made responsible for hurting the bad guy.... :( So give the poachers more rights than their victims, what means RIP wildlife, Afrcia.... :) Wake up politicians and act, your are responsible for the situation and end collecting money for safaris and killing permissions to enable you to order your next Mercedes-Benz or airplane from that :(((((((((((((</p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-12T19:27:27Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96787 2016-01-12T19:27:27Z <p>My condolence to the the lates. I wish A long life to our brothers and sisters that we work for to stop poaching in Africa together. We all sad for what we are experiencing in the Bush, Best regards Alfred Oseur kipelian from Kenya <br class="autobr" /> Website <a href="http://www.maraloitarangersassociation.org" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external">www.maraloitarangersassociation.org</a></p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-12T15:19:16Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96786 2016-01-12T15:19:16Z <p>All-women anti-poaching teams (like the Black Mambas at Kruger) draw more public attention to this situation and have positive effects on community involvement with wildlife. And in India (at Gir) they've transformed the local attitude toward what women can accomplish... especially when armed.</p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-11T22:04:41Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96784 2016-01-11T22:04:41Z <p>Its never smart to show up to a gun fight armed with only a flashlight. Are these parks and governments serious about protecting the animals? If so, shoot-to-kill seems like the only practical option. Why squander the hearts and lives of these rangers? Respect them and give them the tools and laws they need to do their job. Without doing so, it looks like the parks/governments are really wanting the poachers to be successful and only faking their commitment to the animals.<br class="autobr" /> There is a finite number of animals. After they are gone, the countries will not attract the tourists. That "trade" will dry up immediately. If they protect the animals, they will have a tourist industry forever. Seems simple to me. Get serious and do it quickly.</p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-09T13:57:02Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96783 2016-01-09T13:57:02Z <p>Prayers go out to those who have lost there life, also thanks to all continuing the fight against these horrible atrocities.....</p> <p> Thank You for all your doing......</p> <p> Hugh Tate</p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-08T14:41:28Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96782 2016-01-08T14:41:28Z <p>very sad scenario. it seems the courage of rangers in Africa is completely ignored unlike in the West. These guys save the rhinos and antelopes for us. a little respect for Africa game rangers!!</p> Poachers outgun Africa's vulnerable wildlife rangers 2016-01-08T10:12:17Z https://www.equaltimes.org/poachers-outgun-africa-s#comment96781 2016-01-08T10:12:17Z <p>Excellent piece. I feel relieved to read it. my father , our breadwinner, a game rancher in Mozambique Lebombo Park was killed from injuries when poachers waylaid their truck in 2007. Up to today out family has only received $500 in state pension payout for his 15yrs service to protecting wildlife. it's disappointing for us as a family.</p>