Trump casts shadow over Standing Rock victory - comments Trump casts shadow over Standing Rock victory 2016-12-28T23:39:15Z 2016-12-28T23:39:15Z <p>I was up there in September and came back to spread the truth about Standing rock protest, watch my video's on Ytube channel Pam Hemphill as I am pro pipeline, and writing a book to share the truth about economic terrorist..</p> Trump casts shadow over Standing Rock victory 2016-12-28T22:54:38Z 2016-12-28T22:54:38Z <p>This article is being presented as a news perspective. It is written from a biased perspective. Let's do some fact checking here:</p> <p>"The construction of a controversial oil pipeline through Native American tribal lands"</p> <p>This pipeline does not go through any tribal lands, any sacred sites, or any recognized native historical or cultural area. There have been multiple archeologists that have surveyed, and thoroughly, professionally examined the area in question for artifacts of any kind four years ago when the project was proposed.</p> <p>"There was widespread jubilation when earlier this month, authorities announced that they would not grant permission for Dakota Access to drill under the Missouri River."</p> <p> There was celebration, limited to the faction that opposes the DAPL. There was devastating economic concern from the millions and millions of tax paying individuals that depend on the oil and gas industry for their livelihood.<br class="autobr" /> There are seven other places where oil and gas pipelines have been drilled and operate under the Missouri River. The fact that so many are not aware of this speaks to their safety, efficiency and lack of impact on the river or surrounding area.</p> <p>"The tribe had repeatedly expressed concern over the risk to water supplies from a leak or spill and desecration of sacred sites."</p> <p>Multiple officials and administrations of multiple tribes as well as every other local and regional concern was repeatedly asked for input for four years before the construction of the DAPL ever began. Tribal contribution was heavily requested and those requests were repeatedly and consistently ignored. The construction of this pipeline has been widely covered in the press since it's inception and anyone and everyone who had a concern was welcomed to express it. For someone to say, "“Two years ago, when Dakota Access first came, I looked at the pipeline map and knew that my entire world was in danger." is either a newcomer to the scene, or hasn't done their homework.</p> <p>There are so many inaccuracies is this editorial that there is not space or time to point them all out. What isn't in this article, or any others that have a national audience is the documentation of poached livestock and slaughtered bison, with only small hunks of meat cut out and the rest left to rot, by "protesters." The burning of equipment and especially rubber tires is illegal and has gone on for months by the "protestors," polluting the surrounding area. Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II has said publicly that the erosion and destruction the "protestors" have wrecked on the land they occupy has destroyed it for generations and will cost millions to begin repairs after the occupation ends. The limited resources of the Standing Rock Sioux has been depleted by not only providing emergency services for ill equipped "protestors" by also by the loss of tribal income from the Standing Rock Casino, the main source of income for the tribal members, due to the "protestors" blocking the only entrance. Yet none of these things appear in the national news.</p> <p>As the "Leave it in the Ground" and the DAPL protestors drive their gas fueled RV's, with their propane heaters, wearing clothing and shoes only made possible by oil and gas by products and research, eating food that is only available in the prepackaged form because of fossil fuels, where do these people think these conveniences and necessities come from?</p> <p>There is passion and hatred and energy out there that has nothing to do with an oil pipeline, and that needs to be acknowledged too. Professional, paid protestors, who will make noise for any cause for a buck, movie stars that there as long as the press is there, and well intention but ill informed individuals are all part of the makeup of the mob. If someone gets blasted with water hoses, they have been asked, warned, and informed of the consequences of not complying before the hose is ever unrolled. Let's save our sympathy for someone who didn't choose exactly what was happening to them.</p> <p>It may be too much to expect that the coverage of an event be two sided, fair and without emotion, but if we don't at least have expectations, then we have already lost the battle.</p> Trump casts shadow over Standing Rock victory 2016-12-28T21:35:35Z 2016-12-28T21:35:35Z <p>I am a lifelong resident of North Dakota and delaying this pipeline will cause more risk of spillage via rail transport.The other damage is we get less Royalty and State tax Dollars because of the expense of the current inadequate infrastructure. Warren Buffet and Burlington Northern are loving this delay.</p>