ITUC launches global campaign to ‘Stop the Net Grab’ - comments 2012-11-29T15:08:20Z 2012-11-29T15:08:20Z <p>It is important that the open, non-centralised regulation is maintained. History shows that if a small clique, or indiviadual organisation becomes dominant, then then heavy-handed, non-democratic regulation results. The internet would then suffer.</p> 2012-11-29T00:59:10Z 2012-11-29T00:59:10Z <p>The internet is an open forum for the citizens of the world. I t must remain so for the future.</p> 2012-11-21T21:51:53Z 2012-11-21T21:51:53Z <p>Internet should ideally be regulated by NGO:s who's main objective should be to enable and protect an open network, not by countries or big corporations who's main objective is to grab power from each other, or from the users. This is how it is mostly currently run. However, it would make sense to "internationalize" the ITEF etc, so that they are less susceptible to US jurisdiction.</p> 2012-11-16T07:11:59Z 2012-11-16T07:11:59Z <p>I support this petition.</p>