
As digital censorship concerns cloud DR Congo's crucial election, elsewhere in Francophone Africa, internet shutdowns also threaten livelihoods and democracy
As digital censorship concerns cloud DR Congo’s crucial election, elsewhere in Francophone Africa, internet shutdowns also threaten livelihoods and democracy
“Internet shutdowns have a negative impact on democracy in French-speaking Africa, especially during election periods. They constitute a form of censorship that limits freedom of expression and access to information. They prevent citizens from finding out about candidates and election issues, [...]Read the full article
Is there a glimmer of hope for Vietnamese workers?
Is there a glimmer of hope for Vietnamese workers?
Last November, the Vietnamese National Assembly took a long-awaited decision on a demand that came from both inside and outside the country: the authorisation of worker representative organisations from 2021. While it remains to be seen how this will be implemented, it is still a major [...]Read the full article
SOS democracy?
SOS democracy?
Have we entered the era of populism and authoritarianism? Regardless of which continent you look at, there is no shortage of examples to stir pessimism. And yet there are less autocracies than three decades ago, and two thirds of the world’s people live in democratic [...]Read the full article