Transparency and corruption

Is physical money destined to disappear?
Is physical money destined to disappear?
Fundación Alternativas: Attempts to implement top-down mechanisms, such as the single digital payment, that leave out a significant percentage of the world’s population will only result in poverty and exclusion. Virtual money already coexists seamlessly with physical money. But paper banknotes still have a lot of use [...]Read the full article
More of the same in Israel
More of the same in Israel
Jesús A. Núñez Villaverde: Aside from a few nuances and the uncertainties regarding the formation of a new government, the one overall conclusion we can draw from these elections is that we can expect to see more of the same, in other words, more fait accompli tactics being deployed by Israel and more hardships for the [...]Read the full article
SOS democracy?
SOS democracy?
Have we entered the era of populism and authoritarianism? Regardless of which continent you look at, there is no shortage of examples to stir pessimism. And yet there are less autocracies than three decades ago, and two thirds of the world’s people live in democratic [...]Read the full article